Sorry we haven’t updated the site in a while but we’ve been busy all summer long. Life takes over outside of tattooing and the website has suffered a little. Don’t fret! We are still here doing out thing. The gallery currently has a really neat show up showcasing the works of Matthew Leuttger. We definitely recommend checking out these insane pieces utilizing found objects to create large works based on American traditional imagery.
With slow season upon us (yes tattooing is seasonal) we have more time to get people in the door! Walk ins are accepted daily and we try to keep Saturdays as a day to focus solely on people who want to just get tattooed without an appointment. Always welcome to call ahead 816-514-3119
OK! We look forward to seeing you all in the shop soon. Of course we hope that everyone had a great summer and fall treats you well.
Here are a few recents by the crew at the shop.
Blackberries by Lindsey
Bee by Zach
Hansa by Steve
Icarus by Apprentice Kai
Skull by Zach
Floral by Lindsey
Fish Bowl head by Steve